Lythwood Sports Complex - 3G Pitch Resurfacing

Commercial Football Resurfacing

The Lythwood Sports Complex in Shrewsbury underwent a successful 3G pitch resurfacing, replacing the 10-year-old surface with TigerTurf's Atomic Pro 50. Meeting FIFA standards, the new pitch is designed for heavy daily use and provides enhanced access for local residents and football teams. The resurfacing project not only improved conditions for winter play but also generated additional funds for the parish council and increased local area engagement.

It has been just over 12 months since we completed the resurface of a small sports complex in Shrewsbury. We went through a full open tender process to work with the local parish council on the project. The old surface was a 10-year-old fibrillated grass that had seen better days and had been installed on a rubber insitu shock pad. 

When we started the work, we carefully removed the old surface, which was then sent to be upcycled with one of our trusted partners and we managed to retain the shock pad underneath for use again with the new grass. During the tender process it was vital for us to choose a product that was sourced locally and one that would stand the test of time. After discussions with the client, we decided to use a 3G product from TigerTurf, this was Atomic Pro 50. It was important to them that the surface would meet FIFA requirements but also be durable enough to withstand usage for 5 hours each evening and usage on the weekends during the day. 

The resurfacing of the 3G pitch has now led to an uplift in usage from the local area as well as generating some additional funds for the parish council. In the local area this is the only 3G facility available, so for residents and local football teams to now have a pitch of FIFA quality is a huge benefit especially in the winter months. 

Peter Orrel from the parish council said ‘We are thrilled with the upgrade of the facility and the additional income from the pitch has been hugely beneficial for the parish council. STM where fantastic from start to finish and the project was completed in the timeframes set out in the tender’.

For more information on our synthetic turf solutions, or to discuss your project needs, please get in touch with our team.

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For more information on our 3g resurfacing services, or to discuss your project needs, please get in touch with our team.

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