Design stage 2

Having collated the data and programmed the information into Design Stage 2 we can present a full proposal to the client.

This will include high end details such as ground levels, drainage schemes, accessibility to eventual hard and soft landscaping.

Stage 2 of the design is also about specific details on specification of products such as:

  • Lighting
  • Fencing
  • Surface types and finishes

Synthetic Turf Management work alongside world class manufacturers producing innovative products to ensuring best value, whilst hitting the mark for player performance.

The overall project proposal will include CAD designs showing cross section drawings, isometric layouts for fence elevation, floodlighting spillage charts, base construction profiles, and line markings.

For planning purposes, we prepare red line drawings, site maps to show site set up and welfare and any ancillary facilities from paths, car parks and landscaping.

Having developed the project to final design stage 2 the client and stakeholders can choose to complete the planning applications themselves or appoint Synthetic Turf Management to complete the process.