Playground Turf: Putting Safety First

28th February 2017

What is it about playground turf? Why is it that all over the UK more schools are jumping on board and adding this to their school grounds? Is it the fun and quirky colours on top of the individual/bespoke designs? Is it the fact that playground turf encourages outdoor activity and engagement with other pupils? Or is it their safety?

sample image of blue, red, white and yellow artificial grass 

A variety of colours used for playground installations

Synthetic Turf Management: Ensuring Playground Turf Meets Safety Requirements.

What is great about our British manufactured turf is that it holds a number of different properties to contribute to the overall safety of your school playground.

Trip Free Edging:

During the project, our installers take the utmost care to carefully ensure that the playground turf is secured correctly to avoid trips.


The yarn in our products is manufactured to create a soft surface for our playground turf which is completely opposite those cold and concrete floors you may be used to!

green artificial grass sample for playground

 Traditional colours are commonly used in our installations, particularly landscaping areas in schools

Shock Pads:

Did you know that it is a legal requirement to include shock pad under play equipment that is at a certain critical fall height? Not only is this product great for climbing frames and slides but coupled with artificial grass it can create the perfect surface as it cushions falls and absorbs impact meaning you don’t have to worry about pupils hurting themselves and rest assured you are putting the children’s safety first.

sample of jigsaw shock pad 

Jigsaw shock pads available in 1.97 x 1.0m sheets.

There are two types of shock pad that are currently available at STM, first is the jigsaw shock pad (as seen above) which interlocks together. There is also the option of a straight edge shock pad. Both come in 25mm depth or can be doubled up to 50mm. For more information on the shock pad options, please contact our offices on 01642 713 555