On the Roadway to a Miraculous Playground!

11th May 2016

Earlier in the year we posted a blog on just how amazing roadways can be and beneficial to the school. Well Richardson Dees Primary School, in Wallsend, opted for a roadway in their school grounds. What did it produce? A Miraculous playground!

road markings in a playground

 Playground Roadway at Richardson Dees School

EPIC stands for Education and Play in Colour. This is a product that STM offer to all schools up and down the UK. We have completed hundreds of EPIC projects, just take a look at these previous EPIC surfaces:

collage of five artificial turf playground ideas 

A range of artificial turf miraculous playground projects we completed up and down the country!

For Richardson Dees, the brand new artificial turf surface was installed using play synthetic grass. This product is softer and less abrasive than other types of grass, in addition it is available in lots of different colours to make your school area stand out! Richardson Dees opted for a field green colour for their miraculous playground. Roadways are a perfect addition to any EPIC play surface as they are often used as parts of PE sessions and sports days.

roadway made from green and white artificial turf 

The 122 square metres of artificial turf created a sea of beautiful green

STM roadway in playground 

The surface was installed with 5mm rubber shock pads underneath the turf to provide a softer landing for children should they fall.

Would you benefit from a miraculous playground? If you would like a friendly consultation and a free no obligation quote, please contact us using the information below:

01642 713 555
