The Ins And Outs Of Astro Turf Installation

16th June 2024

As we gaze out at our lawns, we all yearn for that perfect green carpet that never fades or withers. Astro turf is the answer to our prayers, providing us with a lush and vibrant lawn all year round.

Installing this synthetic grass may seem like an easy task, but there are a few ins and outs that must be considered before jumping headfirst into it. While the idea of instant gratification may sound appealing, installing astro turf requires meticulous planning and execution.

A well-prepared ground is key to ensuring the longevity of your new lawn. By following a set of specific steps in preparing the ground, laying down the turf correctly, and maintaining your astro turf regularly, you can create a beautiful outdoor space that will last for years to come.

Let's dive into the world of astro turf installation together!

Preparing the Ground for Astro Turf

Before laying down the artificial grass, it's crucial to properly prepare and level the ground. This means removing any existing grass, weeds, rocks or debris that may interfere with the installation. Once cleared, we assess whether additional soil needs to be brought in or removed to ensure a level surface. We use a rake and wheelbarrow for this process.

After clearing and levelling the area, we lay down a layer of crushed stone or gravel as a base. This helps with drainage and prevents water from pooling on top of the turf. The base should be at least 3-4 inches deep and compacted evenly using a plate compactor or hand tamper. This step is important because uneven surfaces can cause bumps or ripples in the artificial grass over time.

Finally, we add a layer of weed barrier fabric on top of the base before installing the astro turf. The purpose of this fabric is to prevent weeds from growing through and causing damage to the turf later on. It's important that we overlap each section by at least six inches so there are no gaps where weeds can sneak through.

With these steps completed properly, your new astro turf will have an even surface that looks great and lasts for years!

Laying Down the Turf

Now you're ready to start laying down the green carpet and bringing your backyard dreams to life! Before you begin, make sure all of your tools are within reach.

You'll need a utility knife, a tape measure, a rake or shovel for levelling the ground, and some adhesive if required.

Start by unrolling the turf and lay it out flat. Make sure that it's perfectly aligned with any edges and corners.

If you have any seams, join them together using adhesive tape. Take care when cutting around obstacles like trees or garden beds - use your utility knife to ensure precision cuts.

Once everything is in place, use a stiff-bristled broom or brush to sweep the fibres upwards so they stand tall. This will help give your astro turf that natural look everyone loves.

Afterward, take a step back and admire your work! Your new lawn is now installed, looking lush and green without any of those pesky maintenance issues associated with real grass.

Maintenance and Care for Astro Turf

Maintaining and caring for your newly installed synthetic grass requires regular attention and upkeep to ensure its longevity. Even though artificial turf is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, it still needs to be properly maintained.

One of the essential maintenance practices is brushing the grass blades regularly. This process helps keep the fibres in an upright position and prevents matting, which can cause drainage problems.

In addition to brushing, removing debris like leaves, twigs, and other organic materials from the surface of the turf is also important. Organic matter can decompose over time and create a breeding ground for bacteria that can damage your turf. It's recommended that you use a leaf blower or a plastic rake with soft bristles to remove debris gently without damaging the turf.

Finally, keeping your artificial turf clean is crucial in maintaining its aesthetic appeal and quality standards. If you have pets or children who love playing on your lawn, occasional spills are inevitable. For small spills or pet urine spots, blotting out excess liquid with a towel should suffice. However, if there's a stubborn stain like oil or grease on the surface of your turf, use a mild soap solution mixed with water to clean it up thoroughly.

Remember that taking care of your astro turf installation doesn't have to be complicated - it just requires consistency in following best practices like brushing regularly and keeping it free from debris and stains. By doing this, you can extend its lifespan while enjoying all the benefits synthetic grass has to offer!


Overall, installing astro turf can be a great solution for those looking to have a low maintenance, durable lawn. By following the proper steps in preparation and installation, you can ensure that your astro turf will look great for years to come.

One interesting statistic to note is that according to HomeAdvisor, the average cost of installing astro turf is around £4,500. While this may seem like a large investment upfront, it's important to consider the long-term savings on water and maintenance costs.

In fact, some estimates suggest that homeowners can save up to $7,000 over 10 years by switching to astro turf. Additionally, many cities and states offer rebates or incentives for those who install water-saving landscaping solutions like astro turf.

In conclusion, if you're considering installing astro turf in your yard or outdoor space, it's important to do your research and follow proper installation techniques. With its durability and low maintenance requirements, astro turf can provide a beautiful and sustainable alternative to traditional grass lawns. And with potential savings on both water usage and maintenance costs over time, it may be well worth the initial investment. Find our step-by-step guide to installing astro turf by clicking here