Brand New Synthetic Turf MUGA at Ailing Tennis Club

20th April 2016

Beechcroft Tennis & Multisports Community Club (BTMSC) in Birmingham had a project completed by Synthetic Turf Management and it looked sensational, we simply had to revisit it! 

Ever looked at an outdoor space in and thought that it could be put to better use but you’re not sure how. Maximising physical activity facilities is something that is encouraged by all to ensure everyone can have access to a wide range of sports in order to extend their skills and practice active lifestyles, a synthetic turf MUGA can do all of these things and better yet it is completely bespoke!

We are taking a trip back to Beechcroft in Birmingham 2 years ago where we completed a netball, tennis and football multiple use synthetic turf MUGA.

The installation was completed with a great multi-sport turf that is durable and suitable for a wide range of sports. This helped to transform this ailing tennis club into a vibrant multi use sports club!

To design the synthetic turf MUGA and help our customers visualise their end result, we create a CAD drawing using specialist software:

CAD Synthetic Turf MUGA Drawing 

This is completed to utilise the space and give exact measurements

The 1575msurface is now low to maintain and can be used in all types of weather!

Synthetic turf muga used as a tennis court 

A beautiful physical activity facility

green muga with white and yellow line marking 

The great thing about this synthetic turf MUGA is that if properly maintained they will last for up to 20 years! STM also offer maintenance packages to ensure that you get the most out of your surface.

close up view of cut in pitch markings 

Pitch markings can be completed in all sorts of different colours and can be completely bespoke. We always measure to the exact specifications.

Often we see people having problems with their synthetic turf MUGAs due to low quality turf that have lots of seams in places around the MUGA that can be easily torn however at Synthetic Turf Management we pride ourselves on the excellence of our British manufactured products and the high quality of our team of installers which means that your turf is super durable and long lasting.

kick boards around the muga

 We installed timber kick boards around the MUGA which are not only great for a whole array of different sports but they help the sand infill to stay in place. Infill works as a protective barrier for the artificial turf and makes sure that the direction of the grass blades are always stood in the correct position and do not flatten.

Director Jon Bell with our clients 

And the customers were certainly happy with the finished result! At STM you will always have a team of people working in your favour to achieve the best possible results and our aftercare is always available to help with any questions you may have.

Collage of muga images

Since the installation was completed the member numbers have been increasing and new sports have become available for BTMSC to offer. In addition the hours of usage of the facility has now increased from 5 hours per week to 30 hours! In turn the income that the BTMSC have made has increased dramatically proving that a synthetic turf MUGA has the best results!


We understand the design and construction of your pitch/court is vital. We can help you optimise your space with an extensive array of options for size, colour, markings, fencing & lighting and gate positions. We’ll guide you through the process of designing your turf, so that you can visualise your pitch/court before its construction. 

Try our free pitch builder, or give us a call to talk to one of our experts.